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Updated: Mar 12, 2023

For much of my life, comfort was what I sought and fought for. As a young person, I tried to find the path of least resistance to get what I wanted. What I found as I got out in the world, is that life was a struggle when I was not willing to do the uncomfortable. In fact, I found myself with less, the less I did. Giving the minimum, resulted in less. Shocking, I know!!

Interestingly, I found my first test of discomfort in my first sales job. At that point in my life, I needed to step up. I had a serious girlfriend that I wanted to marry(my wife now) and knew I did not want the quality of life I was in. At that point, I was seriously turning my water heater off until I took showers to control my bills. Yes! I had to turn my water heater off, I was broke my friend.

Getting my first sales job helped my mind understand how to do things that were uncomfortable. I had gotten a business development role that required a lot of door to door cold calling. It was not comfortable and I was not that good at it. I was rejected, mocked, and defeated often. Then, as I leaned into that discomfort, I found some successes. I found more confidence. It clicked!!

Seek the uncomfortable, get comfort!

Seek the comfortable, get discomfort...

I was hooked!!

Certainly, there are times to rest and recover. However, my mind continues to seek discomfort. I am always looking for a challenge. In my professional life, I seek experiences that I do not have the answers and that discomfort beats against my ego and helps me grow. In my personal life, I push myself spiritually, mentally, and physically. Not always consistent, but steadily pushing myself forward.

Over the last two months, I have been leaning into the discomfort of building strength. I am not built for it. I was 6' 2" and 140 lbs graduating high school. I was a long distance runner. So, it is accurate to say lifting weights is uncomfortable.

It is uncomfortable in the physical sense. I have had some extremely sore days!! However, from a mental sense, I have had to battle my ego and insecurities; overcome lack of motivation on some days. What I am confident in is, if I put in work to find discomfort I will get results!!

This is true in every area that I have experienced!

If you want great relationships, you have to navigate the discomfort of disappointment, disagreement, and expectations.

If you want closer spiritual relationship with God, you have to seek the gaps and work to close them through prayer and repentance.

If you want anything of substance, you have to consistently put in effort where you are not comfortable. Over time, you will get comfort!!

How might your life be different?

This has changed me and I know it will change you!

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