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It has been a long time!

Before the pandemic, I was very active with blogging, vlogging, podcasting, and managing multiple social platforms. Honestly, I was really trying out different approaches and learning a ton. Through the process, I met a ton of new people and formed great relationships. There were certainly positives to the amount of action I was taking on this front.

However, I did not have the balance I desired. With a very active career, this was not in alignment with my values. So, in early 2020, I completed a mindset program, 75 Hard. It flipped my perspective. Immediately after, I went on a social media diet. So on March 23, 2020, I stopped all engagement on every platform through the month of April. In fact here was my post on IG...

It was absolutely freeing and helped me realign on my priorities. You will hear me say faith, relationships, and business. This is really what I have been up to since!! I even let my old blog go with all of the content (very sad)

So, why come back at all??

I truly enjoyed parts of the process and getting to meet new people through the work. Additionally, I find that writing helps me really reflect and retain learnings.

So, I will be writing as consistent as possible while ensuring that my priorities are in alignment. I hope that you find value in reading and maybe even commenting or ask a question.

God Bless,

Matt Breaux

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