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Growing as a Leader

Updated: Dec 27, 2022

Over my time in different leadership capacities, I have and continue to learn about how to be more effective. I was recently asked about my most important leadership learning and I thought I would share here.

Throughout my 20 years in different leader capacities, I have been known for driving results that produce positive outcomes. Now, my approach to driving those outcomes has evolved a good bit.

Early on, I focused on accountability and clear expectations. I was a pretty good teacher, but I was not a teacher of motivation. My perspective was that you either have motivation or you don’t. To some degree, I still believe that this is true. However, I have learned that my leadership can influence someone’s motivation greatly!

Now, accountability and clear expectations are still important foundations of leadership, but I consciously build a culture that feeds high performing people. A culture of performance, excellence, and taking care of each other.

  • Performance - However you define this, I publish and recognize performance. High performers enjoy competition. They like the chase and having to strive for something each day!

  • Excellence - How we get there is more important than just the outcomes. I love story sharing that underscores the right behaviors and mindsets. No short cuts!!

  • Take Care of Each Other - The safety net of the team is massive in building long term success. Ensuring a culture that promotes learning and getting better has been a game changer for me. If your people cannot be real, you are not executing at your highest potential!

Again, the above is something I have and continue to grow in as a leader. As I lead larger teams, I find this to be even more important. Be authentic and vulnerable are terms thrown around these days. I hope the above tactics can help as it has me!

Happy Leading!

Matt Breaux

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